Fiches d’information pour le personnel de santé:
Archer, R., Jamieson, A. COVID Marginal Gains Handbook. Practical guide of evidence-based ways to survive and thrive in the age of Coronavirus.
British Psychological Society. Talking To Children About Coronavirus. Much of the information that children hear about Covid-19 is intended for adults. Because children don’t understand risk in the same way that adults do many children are unsure of how worried they should be but many are very worried indeed – about themselves, their parents, grandparents, their pets, and their friends. We’ve written this short leaflet to give health professionals, educational professionals, parents and early years providers an informed understanding of children’s understanding at different developmental stages
Center for study of traumatic stress. Sustaining the well-being of healthcare personnel during Coronavirus and other infectious disease outbreaks. « Includes strategies for sustaining healthcare personnel well-being »
Cole-King, A COVID-19: preparing yourself. « Guidance compiled by a combination of UK and international subject matter experts in the psychology of staff wellbeing plus medical managers and everyday clinicians from clinical areas likely to get hit hard by COVID.«
Emerging Minds (University of Reading, University of Oxford). Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19. Advice for parents, carers and people that work with children and young people
Intensive Care Society. Advice for Sustaining Staff Wellbeing in Critical Care During and Beyond Covid-19
Lemieux, A.J., Damasse, J., & Morin-Major, J-.K. (2020). Gestion de la COVID-19 avec les personnes ayant un trouble mental dans les milieux fermés: Une réponse rapide. Montréal, Québec (Canada): Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel. Responding to COVID-19. Guide to using mindfulness for emotional regulation
National Center for PTSD. Managing healthcare workers’ stress associated with the COVID-19 virus outbreaks. Récupéré de Récupéré de « Details institutional support and self-care strategies »
NHS Scotland. Staying safe and well: a sel care guide for staff looking after patients with coronavirus.
Oxcadat. 7 evidence-based tools for frontline staff et Guidance for frontline healthcare workers. >Récupéré de
PositivePsychology. The crisis kit. 5 tools for helping clients though turbulent times.
Programme d’aide aux médecins du Québec. S’occuper de ses réactions de stress. Comment la pandémie nous affecte-t-elle, nous les médecins? Prendre ses signes vitaux psychologiques. Six conseils pour soutenir un collègue : écouter
Société canadienne des leaders médicaux. Ensuring Our Own Wellbeing as We Care for Others During the COVID-19 Crisis
Trauma group (University College London). Gérer votre stress: conseils au personnel hospitalier pendant la pandémie de la COVID et Guidance for planners of the psychological response to stress experienced by hospital staff associated with COVID: early interventions. “A group of psychological trauma specialists have formed a working group to help coordinate trauma-informed responses to the COVID outbreak.“
Vital talk. Guide sur la communication sur la COVID-19. A tous les professionnels de la santé.
Well Doc Alberta. Physician Wellness during COVID-19
World Health Organisation / Russ Harris. Doing What Matters In Times Of Stress. An ACT-informed Illustrated Guide is a stress management guide for coping with adversity.
World health organization (19 mars 2020) Mental health psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. « Information handout«
Articles d’auto-soins pour le personnel de santé:
Costigan, C. Comment parler à vos enfants de la COVID-19 si vous faites partie du personnel médical. Joule (Association Médicale Canadienne)
Gérin-Lajoie, C. (27 mars 2020). Conseils d’une clinicienne pour réduire l’anxiété et le stress causé par la COVID-19. Joule (Association Médicale Canadienne)
Horton, J. (8 avril 2020) Leçons d’un astronaute: cultiver la résilience dans l’isolement et « Parlez à vos peurs »: stratégies de gestion du stress en temps de pandémie de COVID-19. Joule (Association Médicale Canadienne)